Happy New Month!
Can you believe we are already at this point in the year already…? I honestly can’t. Some of you are already starting to plan for the holidays while others are overwhelmed by it all. I know as I speak to some people already doing this. All I can say is ‘try not to get caught up in the drama’.
Wherever you are in the world, you are being fed images, news, articles of despair, crisis and dare I say trauma. Now I’m not saying that in some places or countries there isn’t war, sickness or instability but for many of us in the West that is not the case. It’s time to remember our sovereignty and start living life on your terms no matter what.
Today as I pondered writing this blog, I knew I wanted to write about Optimism but did not know that I wanted to include Gratitude as well… I started my day like any other washing my son’s and I clothes and mid way through the wash cycle I could smell a burning smell in my apartment. As I searched for where this was coming from and was baffled as to why the smoke alarm had not gone off, I felt like I was starting to panic. Five minutes later I located it and saw it was the washing machine. It’s stuck making a strange noise and well and truly dead. The rinse hadn’t even happened and I had a full load of all 9Kgs.
So there I was like the ‘old days’ as the young people call them, rinsing and squeezing as hard as I could the clothes out and completing the wash by hand. In the midst of what I felt was a moaning session, I flipped my thoughts and this is what I remembered from my years of self development.
When something Negative happens, look for the Positive – I really could have done without the financial and practical implications of the situation but the first thing I thought was ‘Thank god I was home and hadn’t left it on as I went out’.
Change your Energetic State – now I know it’s tricky at times but I thought, well it’s broken. I know this machine can’t be fixed so what can I realistically do now? Apart from manifesting one at a great price I just ‘paused’ because I was in the anxiety of it all.
Express Gratitude in other areas of your life.
My first thought was well at least I have all my other white goods, a safe home, food in my cupboard and even a cheeky glass of wine for later after the emergency electrician has been to isolate the electric socket that is shared with the fridge.
Lesson for the Month
The lesson I really want you to remember for this month is that…
Regardless of what happens, you can get through it. Nothing is impossible.
You are a divine being with Superpowers you are still yet to access and knowing you have a hand in your destiny, your soul journey and experience means you are never a bystander.
Remember now is the time for you to Stand up for Your Soul !