October 10th is Mental Health Day and all over the globe there seems to be a huge drive to remind people that looking after their mental health is just as important as their physical.
I personally feel that it is more important, especially in the current climate post lockdowns and with the UK Cost of Living Crisis that is crippling many. There has never been such a worrying time for others as now.
So what can we do to take control of what is happening?
Here are 7 tips to make life easier.
1. Spend daily time in silence – Even 5 minutes has shown physical and mental benefits especially reducing overwhelm and providing clarity.
2. Set healthy boundaries – If it makes you feel unhappy, if it stresses you, if you feel disrespected or worthless or like a sacrificial lamb, then look at your personal boundaries. Are they being honoured by others but by yourself FIRST?
3. Do something you love – We all have things that are good for us that we can do – write, draw, walk in nature, watch a film, learn something new, cook. The list is ongoing. What do you love?
4. Practise Self Care – Everyday. It is important to put yourself first and do something that will make ‘you’ live a sustainable life. The most common cause of burn out is constantly doing everything for everyone and nothing for yourself.
5. Take Regular time out – Breaks, days off, weekends away, fun etc. all make us be able to weather the storm.
6. Journal and Meditate – Using a beautiful Journal for words, prose, poetry, thoughts, ideas, this, after Meditation has been life changing for many. It’s a safe way to explore our feelings.
7. Practise Daily Gratitude – Regardless of what is happening in your Life, practice gratitude daily. Write down what you are grateful for and why? It increases and causes the Law of Attraction to circulate.
Of course this list is far from exhaustive but really take time to prioritise your mental health daily like you do eating and drinking. In the long term your body will thank you.